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英文标题: “Purchasing Hope”: The Consumption of Children Education in Urban China
摘要: 儿童教育消费已成为当前城镇家庭消费的一项重要内容,校外辅导班和兴趣班的迅猛扩张,占据了儿童教育消费市场的主要领域。本研究通过对中国教育追踪调查(CEPS)2013-2014基线调查数据的分析,检视了我国城镇家庭结构、亲子关系和儿童校外教育消费之间的关系。研究发现,家庭对儿童校外教育消费的投入具有工具理性和情感表达的双重特征,独生子女家庭、双亲同住家庭以及更多的亲子陪伴和亲子互动能够促进儿童校外教育机会的获得,其中女孩的优势更为突出。同时,儿童校外教育消费的阶层差异也十分明显,中产阶层家庭对子女教育有更高的期待和投入,在校外辅导班或兴趣班的选择上具有显著的阶层化偏好。这些发现启示我们,在儿童教育消费研究中需要重新审视家庭研究与消费研究之间的内在关联。
英文摘要: The consumption of children education has become an important part of urban family consumption, and the rapid expansion of cram school and interest class have occupied the main fields of children education market. From the perspective of family study and using the China Education Panel Survey (2013-2014) data, this paper explores the relationship between family structure, parenthood, and consumption of children education. This research shows that the invest of children education by families exhibit dual characters of instrumental rationality and emotional expressions, and children from one-child family, living with both parents, and have more accompany and affective interaction with parents can attain more opportunity of education outside school. Girls have more advantage over boys. Meanwhile, the social class differences in the consumption of children education are significant. Middle-class family has higher education expectation and invest more in children education, displaying significantly stratified preference in cram school or interest class. Those findings inspire us that we should take a new look at family studies and consumption research when engaged in child education consumption research in the future.


作者单位: 浙江师范大学法政学院社会工作系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2018.4:163-190
关键词: 家庭结构;亲子关系;儿童教育消费;中产阶层
项目基金: 本文系浙江省哲学社会科学规划重点项目“转型期中国城市消费分层与社会不平等研究”(批准号:15NDJC027Z)和国家社会科学基金一般项目“城市家庭消费分层的结构形态和制度逻辑研究”(批准号:15BSH015)的阶段性成果。
