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英文标题: | Idea,Tactics and Practice: Analysis of Mao Zedong’s Early Rural Investigation from the Perspective of Historical Sociology |
摘要: | “从群众中来,到群众中去”的群众路线是中国共产党政治文化的重要组成部分,而毛泽东的农村调查在其形成过程中起着重要作用,有着深刻而重要的历史意涵:它既是中国共产党在革命实践中阐释当时乡村社会危机成因的重要工具,也是实现大众动员的权力技术,更是革命政党以马列主义普遍原则改造中国乡村社会的重要中介机制。既往关于毛泽东农村调查的研究或者只将其作为材料而忽略其背后的产生过程,或者受限于传统“路线斗争”的叙事模式而忽略其实质意义。本文以毛泽东从大革命时期到苏区时期从事的主要农村调查实践与文本为核心考察对象,综合运用档案文件、回忆录、年谱、地方史志等多种材料,在社会思潮史、地域社会史等多重视角下,将毛泽东农村调查思想及其实践理解为一种在革命实践中产生的重要政治传统,重新梳理其发生学过程,归纳其实践特征与运行逻辑。 |
英文摘要: | The mass line-“coming from the people and going to the people”-is an important part of Chinese Communist Party’s political culture. Mao Zedong’s rural investigation thoughts play a significant role in the development of the mass line. It is not only a critical tool to help Chinese Communist Party understand and explain the reasons of rural society crisis, a kind of power technique to mobilize the mass, but also as a mechanism for transforming the Chinese rural society via using the Marxist-Leninist principle by the revolutionary party. In this paper, Mao’s rural investigation practice and texts from the Great Revolution to the Central Soviet Area are regarded as the core research subjects. From multiple historical perspectives of social thought and regional society, the author tries to analyze the development of Mao’s rural investigation thoughts and summarize the practical characteristics and operation logics by regarding Mao’s rural investigation thoughts and practice mechanism as a kind of important political tradition generated during the revolutionary practice. Meanwhile, the author attempts to understand the relation of tension between the political tradition, original economic structure of regional society and efforts made by the revolutionary party when the political tradition had to deal with ideological demands, realistic political struggles and social mobilization at the same time. |
作者: | 孟庆延 |
作者单位: | 中国政法大学社会学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2018.4:1-27 |
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关键词: | 农村调查;权力;阶级;动员 |
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项目基金: | 本文为教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“政治社会学视野下的中央苏区土地革命再研究(1927-1934)”(项目批准号:15YJC840022)的阶段性成果,同时,本研究受“中央高校基本科研经费专项资金”资助。 |
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