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英文标题: | Sympathy and Utility:David Hume’s Moral Science |
摘要: | 本文将休谟放在道德科学兴起的传统中,考察其方法论及形而上学的转向。本文指出,随着自然目的论秩序的式微,休谟不再借助观念推演的方法来建立解证式的道德科学,而是通过实验革命去考察普通人的思维、激情与行动的规律。休谟对同情与效用的精神机制的探究,不是在瓦解道德的自然理性基础,而是返回日常的社会生活,将道德观念置于民众的精神因果关联中去理解,揭示道德现象的内在机理。对休谟道德科学的研究,不仅有助于我们回到神学形而上学向社会科学转化的思想语境,揭示出社会学自身的精神性面相,也有助于澄清社会科学的基本问题、视野和伦理担当。 |
英文摘要: | This paper explains David Hume’s transition of methodology and metaphysics from the context of the rise of moral science. The paper argues that facing the breakdown of physical order of teleology,David Hume abandoned demonstrative science established on tradition deduction but explored the regularity of human nature of the vulgar through experimental method. His experimental exploration was not aiming at the deconstruction of natural foundations of morality, but taking notions of morality as mental processes of a vulgar nature in the common life. This will not only help to reveal sociology as moral science,but also clarify the basic question,horizon and ethical concern of social science,as well as the relationship between fact and value. |
作者: | 杨璐 |
作者单位: | 中国政法大学社会学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2018.3:115-140 |
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关键词: | 观念论;道德科学;同情;效用 |
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项目基金: | 本文是教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目“英国早期现代的道德情感思想及其对中国社会治理的意义”(批准号:17YJC840051)的阶段性成果。 |
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