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英文标题: | Floating Control and Multi-level Embeddedness: Adjustment Mechanisms of the State-society Relationship in the Context of Contracting-out Social Services |
摘要: | 当前对政社关系的研究主要集中于政府对社会组织的分类控制、制度约束与社会组织的依附及嵌入式发展等方面,强调政府对社会组织单一向度的影响、宏观政府制度约束下社会组织的不同发展形态。对于不同时期多层级地方政府内部与社会组织的互动及关系运作还欠缺深入的分析,从而导致单一化和静态化的结论。本文基于G市近十年政策文本和社会组织访谈资料,提出政府即便是针对同一类社会组织,也会依据政策目标和风险控制,通过不同时期控制权所包含的不同要素在层级政府之间的分配,实现对它们的浮动控制,而专业社会组织也具备反诉的能力和空间,它们会针对政府控制权分配的不同层级进行分层嵌入。 |
英文摘要: | Literatures on the state-society relationship in China mainly pay attention to the systems of differential controls, the dependent development of social organizations, the institutional constraints of social organizations, the project system and the embedded development under the contracting-out social service system. They focus on the one-way influence by the government and different developmental patterns of social organizations. The interactional relationships between multi-level governments and social organizations are not emphasized. Based on the practice of contracting-out social service in city G, this paper advances the concepts of the systems of differential controls and embedded development of social organizations. The government adopts systems of floating control according to different policy targets and different preferences of the bureaucrats. At the same tine, the professional social organizations may have the capacity to counterclaim, and embed themselves into the different levels of the government. Floating control and multi-level embeddedness are the main adjustment mechanisms of the state-society relationship in the contracting-out social service system in China. |
作者: | 徐盈艳、黎熙元 |
作者单位: | 中山大学社会学与社会工作系(徐盈艳);中山大学港澳珠江三角洲研究中心、中山大学社会学与社会工作系(黎熙元) |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2018.2:115-139 |
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关键词: | 服务外包;浮动控制;分层嵌入;政社关系 |
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项目基金: | 本文系国家社科基金项目“政府购买公共服务与社会组织发展研究”(13BSH073)和国家社科重大招标课题“我国城市社区建设的方向与重点研究:基于治理的视角”(15ZDA046)的阶段性成果。 |
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