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英文标题: Shaping the Role of the “Public Operator” and Its Dilemma: A Study of the Rural Grassroots Government’s Role in the Transition Period
摘要: 在市场经济背景下,学界将农村基层政府定位为追求利益最大化的“企业”角色,但企业角色理论忽略了基层政府的“公益”角色属性在经济活动中的作用与意义。实际上,在政府体制、社会与市场环境的共同形塑下,农村基层政府扮演着远比“企业”更为复杂的“公益经营者”角色。本文通过案例研究发现,基层政府不仅受到市场和政府体制的激励而从事经营,而且受到政府体制和社会压力的约束,将经营作为应对压力的策略。这表明基层政府是因应不同环境而采取相应的行为策略,且具有多重目标取向,并非单一追求利益最大化。本文还发现,一些地区发生的社会冲突使基层政府遭遇“公益”与“经营”角色不相匹配的困境,但冲突发生不能归结于政府谋利,而是源于政府经营内生的权责失调。
英文摘要: Past research mainly simplifies the local government as performing the role of an enterprise, who pursues maximum benefit in the context of the market transition. It however ignores the local government’s role in promoting public welfare in economic activities. In fact, the rural local government plays the role of the public operator which is more complicated than an enterprise in an environment consisting of the government institution, society, and market. This paper finds out that the local government not only is engaged in business activities, but also uses the management of business as a strategy to deal with stress. It shows that the local government adopts different behavioral strategies in response to the complex environment. It has multiple goal orientations, rather than pursuing the single aim of maximizing profits. This paper also finds out that frequent social conflicts put the local government in a dilemma between pursuing economic interests and promoting public welfare. It is the result of the mismatch between the government’s power and responsibility.


作者单位: 华中科技大学社会学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2018.2:88-114
关键词: 公益经营者;角色重塑;角色困境
项目基金: 本文获得中国博士后科学基金第60批面上资助(2016M600585)。
