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英文标题: | Avoiding the Misleading Trap of Sociology Localization in China |
摘要: | 中国社会学本土化的争论虽然持续已久,但至今仍未产生共识。本文试图从议题本土化、应用本土化和范式本土化三个角度说明社会学本土化是个伪问题。从议题上来看,中国社会学的研究议题已经相当地本土化,而且不必为突出本土化特征而束缚研究。从应用上来看,一些应用西方理论或方法的中国研究本土契合性不足,其原因在于研究者本身缺乏对社会学的认识和对如何做好研究的理解。若在秉承社会学研究规范性的同时能够将社会学本身的情境性带入其中,中国社会学必然能够保持其学术的独立性和原创力。从范式上来看,学术的贡献和原创性应该由学术同行来评价,中国的社会学家所发展出的理论和方法应该对这个学科的主流领域具有影响力,应该有助于整个社会学学科的知识积累,而不只是对中国社会学有所贡献。 |
英文摘要: | A debate concerning sociology localization has been going on in China for a long time, but no consensus has been reached. This article examines three aspects of sociology localization—subject matter, application, and paradigm—and concludes that it is an unimportant issue that should best be ignored. In subject matter, Chinese sociology has already been fully localized, thus there is no need to emphasize local topics. In application, successful uses of Western theories and methods require both the mastery of Western sociology and the judicious application of these theories and methods in actual research settings in China. Researchers using Western theories and methods should understand the social contexts for their studies, maintain independence, and exercise creativity. Regarding the paradigm, all scholarly contributions and creativity should be evaluated by other scholars. Theories and methods developed by Chinese sociologists should be regarded as contributions to the mainstream discipline, adding knowledge to not only Chinese sociology but also the world’s sociology. |
作者: | 谢宇 |
作者单位: | 北京大学社会研究中心、美国普林斯顿大学 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2018.2:1-13 |
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关键词: | 本土化;中国社会学;社会学发展;学术范式;中国特色 |
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