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英文标题: To Reveal the Confucian Doctrine: On the Local Government’s Official Document System in Qing Dynasty
摘要: 儒家理念对清代公文提出了“文以明道”的要求,清代公文的形式、内容以及实践过程因此呈现出独特的精神气质。公文在写作中用各种“曲尽人情”的办法,充分考虑公文接受对象的地位和感受,努力营造一种“生气流通”的理想沟通情景。公文在形式上融合了礼制的因素,体现了对官僚制内部关系和体统的重现与考量。在公文写作和传递中,虽然书吏和幕友是具体事务的承担者,但是他们却处于非正式的地位,从而突出了“官须自做”和“为政在人”的理念。面对公文系统的弊病,清代官员和学者进一步强调“为政在人”的理念,强调人的作用,最终“文以明道”又成为解决文牍之弊的良药。最后,本文指出清代公文的这些特征是儒家行政理念具体落实的结果,体现了中国传统治理的独特逻辑。
英文摘要: To reveal the Confucian doctrine is the most important characteristic of the official documents in Qing Dynasty. Firstly, official documents were characterized as “personal relationship” and took into account the position and feeling of receptors of these official documents. Thus,it could create an ideal communication situation. Secondly,official documents focused on incorporating etiquettes so that they could deal with different kinds of human relationships and maintain the rule of tradition. Thirdly,although scribes and private advisers played a key role in the transmission and writing of official documents, they were deprived of the power in the political system. The reason for this phenomenon was the desire to maintain the characteristic of official documents. Fourthly, faced by these problems, officials of the local government in Qing Dynasty and scholars resorted to different resolutions. However, both “simple governance” and “complicated governance” put emphasis on the ideology of “rule by man”. As a result, revealing the Confucian doctrine became the key to the problem of official document system. Lastly, this article contends that these characteristics as the concrete expressions of administrative ideologies of Confucianism reflected the special logics of the traditional governance system in China.


作者单位: 清华大学社会学系、北京大学中国传统社会研究中心
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2017.6:189-210
关键词: 文以明道;官箴书;传统官僚制;非正式制度
