英文标题: | Be Open to Be Scientific: Engels' Thought on Socialism and Its Social Context |
摘要: | 社会主义自其诞生之日起,就既是对当时社会现实的批判,又是对美好社会的设想。自19世纪中期以后,马克思、恩格斯的思想路线指导了国际工人运动及各国工人阶级政党的实践,其本质不仅是批判的,更是面向现实的一个充满活力的思想体系,这使得社会主义可以成为科学分析的主题。本文认为,马克思、恩格斯有关社会主义的未来设想有其历史的演变过程,这一方面表现为其著作中对共产主义、社会主义的取舍评判,另一方面表现为面对全球社会经济变化的积极因应。恩格斯在19世纪80年代中期之后有关社会主义所有制、发展策略等论述表明,面对工业化、城市化与全球化的诸种挑战,社会主义理想仍然有实现之途,恩格斯本人作为社会理论家的特色亦得以充分体现。对当前社会经济飞速发展的中国社会而言,恩格斯晚年的社会主义思想具有现实的指导意义。 |
英文摘要: | Socialism from the very beginning is both a critique of reality and expectation for future good society. Since the mid-19th century,the emergent international workers’ movement carried out under the guidance of Marx and Engels’ theory is not only critical but open to social reality. Thus socialism becomes scientific by being the object of scientific analysis. This study focuses on different stages of Marx and Engels’ literature on communism and socialism. With the emphasis shifting to socialism, Marxism faces and responses directly to the drastic change of the global economy and society. Engels’ discussion on ownership and political strategy of socialists after the mid-1880’s shows that scientific socialism can be a social theory dealing with various challenges of industrialization, urbanization and globalization. Engels himself is an open-minded social theorist in addition to the spiritual leader of the communist revolution. For contemporary China, Engels’ theory of socialism can provide insights and strategies for social governance and the economic development. |
作者: | 何蓉 |
作者单位: | 中国社会科学院社会学研究所 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2017.6:1-17 |
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关键词: | 社会主义;共产主义;恩格斯晚年思想;社会主义所有制 |
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