英文标题: | Space-time Deconstruction and the Reproduction of the Rights to Land Rent:An Exploration of Non-agricultural Value-added Revenue Distribution Mechanisms of Rural Land |
摘要: | 时空解构是理解地租生成和演化的必要逻辑。“时间租”揭示了地租具有阶段性切割和历时性延绵的双重特性,因而增值收益分配应兼顾农民个体生命历程和世代叠加代际伦理的可持续性;“空间租”解析了地租因产业布局、地理区位等因素的集聚或分异,因而增值收益分配应协调相关各方的正当权利诉求,实现收益的可共享性。通过农地“非农化”增值收益分配与地租的互动、互构研究,文章探寻了增值收益分配的应然状态,主张通过“权利再造”修复并确保农民的地租收益权,建立、健全多方参与的协商谈判机制,辅以权利救济、司法仲裁和第三方专业评估,杜绝寻租,让相关各方在合意中确定具体分配的“地租量”,从补偿、保障和共享三个层面保障农村人口的权益。 |
英文摘要: | Space-time deconstruction is a necessary logic to understand the formation and evolution of the land rent. “Time rent” reveals that rent has the double characteristics of periodicality and diachronicity. Thus,the distribution of land rent must consider the sustainability of both the individual life course and intergenerational superposition of the farmers. “Space rent” analyzes the aggregation or differentiation of rent resulted from the industrial layout,location,etc. The distribution of land rent must take into account of the legitimate rights and interests of stake-holders to achieve revenue-sharing. By studying the land rent and non-agricultural value-added revenue distribution,this paper explores the normative value-added revenue distribution,advocates the restoration and protection of farmers’ rights to land rent through “right-reconstruction”. It also advocates establishing and improving the multi-negotiation mechanism,supplemented by rights relief,judicial arbitration and third-party professional assessment in order to prevent rent-seeking. Thus,the specific allocation amount of rent can be determined by consensus, and the rights and interests of the rural population can be protected. |
作者: | 郑雄飞 |
作者单位: | 北京师范大学政府管理学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2017.4:70-93 |
中图分类号: | |
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关键词: | 地租;时空解构;权利再造;农地“非农化”;增值收益分配 |
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项目基金: | 本文是国家“万人计划·青年拔尖人才支持计划”、国家社科基金(11CSH012)、国家自然科学基金(41201146)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助和上海市“浦江人才计划”的阶段性成果。 |
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