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英文标题: | The Great Rats Massacre: Exercise of Bio-order and the Social Performance of Epidemic Campaign in Inner Mongolia (1949-1952) |
摘要: | 建国初期,随着国家防疫力量进入到基层社会,新生人民政权掀起了针对各类传染性疾病的防疫运动,在有效控制鼠疫等传染性疾病流行的同时,既整体又细密地重整了乡村社会。此种囊括了日常生活方方面面的防疫运动构成了一种特殊的国家卫生工作实践。本文以地方卫生档案材料为基础,考察1949-1952年内蒙古东部乡村社会从以捕杀老鼠为中心的防疫运动到抗击“毒虫入侵”的反细菌战的历史过程。文章着重分析防疫工作构建的“生物秩序”在基层社会中的操练,以此为线索考察防疫运动如何得以铺展、升级以及最终在社会展演中达到高潮。 |
英文摘要: | During the early years since the founding of PRC, the state epidemic prevention force reached the rural society and initiated campaigns against contagious diseases. On the one hand, it effectively controlled the diseases, such as plague, cholera, and smallpox. On the other hand, the campaigns completely re-organized the rural daily life, mobilizing the rural society through medical-political social movements. The case of anti-plague campaign in the Inner Mongolia brought medical, epidemical and political resources together into a constantly escalating social mobilization. It eventually constituted the specific local context that leads to the “anti-bacteria warfare”. By tracing the history of the campaign, this article shows how a state-wide movement was implemented as an exercise of bio-order, and how it escalated and turned into a social performance in the rural society. |
作者: | 阿拉坦 |
作者单位: | 中央民族大学世界民族学人类学研究中心 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2017.3:216-241 |
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关键词: | 防疫运动;鼠疫;生物秩序;秩序操练;社会展演 |
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项目基金: | 本研究受中国博士后科学基金第九批特别资助项目(2016T90199)的资助。 |
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