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英文标题: | The Duality of Memory and Social Ontology |
摘要: | 有关神圣—世俗的记忆二重性是理解哈布瓦赫集体记忆理论的一条重要线索。哈布瓦赫将记忆神圣性置于世俗性之上,并因此提出社会框架论,呼应了涂尔干的社会神圣性概念,表达了其社会本体论关怀。作为涂尔干学派的传人,哈布瓦赫真正区别和超越涂尔干—莫斯传统之处在于他提出了集体记忆概念,以群体概念具体化了涂尔干的大写的抽象社会概念,并以集体记忆的方式回应了涂尔干在《宗教生活的基本形式》中提出的基本问题,丰富了对复杂社会智识和道德问题的思考。这一研究同时是对集体欢腾和礼物交换概念的进一步发展和充实。而记忆二重性的概念不仅是理解哈布瓦赫集体记忆理论的重要线索,也是理解既有记忆研究的基础概念之一。 |
英文摘要: | The duality of memory in terms of the Sacred and the Secular is one important clue to understanding Halbwachs’ concept of collective memory, in response to Durkheim’s notion of the Social Holiness. Halbwachs’ concept of collective memory excelled Durkheim’s as Halbwachs incorporates the complexity of social knowledge and morality. He also responds to Durkheim’s fundamental question raised in The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. The concept of collective memory turns to the research of contemporary social consciousness structure, which not only proposes new research methods but also develops Durkheim’s concept of collective effervescence and Moss’ concept of gift exchange. The duality of memory is an important clue to understanding collective memory theory and one of the fundamental concepts critical to the understanding of existing memory studies. |
作者: | 刘亚秋 |
作者单位: | 中国社会科学杂志社 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2017.1:148-170 |
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关键词: | 哈布瓦赫;集体记忆;记忆二重性;社会本体论 |
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