英文标题: | Social Memory’s Restoration and Reconstruction in the Reconstruction of Disaster Areas: Taking Shanghai social work empowerment service in Ludian earthquake area as example |
摘要: | 在灾区重建过程中,社会记忆的修复和重构在很大程度上能够促使受灾民众尽早走出灾害阴影。运用专业社会工作增能方法对灾区社会记忆修复和重构的实质在于对社区原生和内生力量的增能。本文以上海社会工作服务队在云南鲁甸地震灾区进行的专业社会工作服务为例,探究了专业社会工作的增能方法介入灾区社会记忆修复和重构的可能性。同时通过对灾区民众个体心理、人际关系、社区组织和社会文化等不同层面的项目化服务运作的考察,分析其对灾区社会记忆修复与重构的影响,并以此进一步探讨社会工作增能服务介入灾区重建的路径及其发展前景。 |
英文摘要: | During the reconstruction process of disaster areas, the essence of empowering social memory is the empowerment of native power and endogenous capacity. This paper takes the professional social work services by Shanghai Social Work Teams in Ludian earthquake areas as an example to discuss the using of empowerment method in professional social work during disaster interventions. This paper analyzes service projects operated at the individual psychological level, interpersonal level, and the level of community organizations and their impact on the disaster restoration and reconstruction of social memory. It further investigates the path and prospect of involving professional social work empowerment method in affected aveas. |
作者: | 文军、何威 |
作者单位: | 华东师范大学社会发展学院暨中国现代城市研究中心、 华东师范大学-纽约大学社会发展联合研究中心(文军) 华东师范大学社会发展学院(何威) |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2016.2:170-193 |
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关键词: | 灾区重建;社会记忆;社会工作;增能;灾害社会工作; |
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项目基金: | 本研究得到国家社科基金重大项目(12&ZD012、13&ZD043)、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(13JJD840009)以及国家社科基金项目(13BSH002)的资助。 |
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