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英文标题: Regional Difference or Industrial Difference? Dual Labor Market Segregation and Income Inequality in China
摘要: 本文利用2010年中国家庭追踪调查数据以及相应区县和行业统计资料,通过拟合交叉分类多层模型,考察地区和行业双重分割对中国居民收入分配状况的影响。分析结果显示,地区差异和行业差异都是导致中国居民收入不平等的重要来源,二者合计约解释了样本中个人收入差异的1/5;与地区差异相比,行业差异对收入分配差距的影响更大。在考虑了诸多个体特征和人力资本状况的影响后,地区人均GDP和人均受教育年限对个人收入仍具有普惠性的促进效应,不同产业从业者的收入仍存在明显差距。本文还进一步探讨了地区和行业因素导致个人收入分化的作用机制,指出行业垄断是造成当前收入分配矛盾的关键问题。

Using data from the 2010 China Family Panel Study and the county- and industrial-level statistics, we estimate cross-classified multilevel models to examine the determinants of income gap among Chinese workers.Results show that both regional and industrial differences are important sources of income inequality in China.Taken together, they account for about onefifth of the total variation of individual income.Among them, regional difference explains 7 percent of the total variation, while industrial difference accounts for 14 percent of the total variation.Further analyses demonstrate that regional and industrial characteristics have significant independent effects on individual income even after controlling for individual socio-demographics and human capital resources.We also explore the potential mechanisms through which macro-level factors function in the elevated income inequality in China.

作者: 齐亚强;梁童心
作者单位: 中国人民大学社会学理论与方法研究中心(齐亚强);中国人民大学社会学系(梁童心)
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2016.1:168-190
关键词: 收入不平等;收入分配;劳动力市场分割;行业差异;地区差异;
项目基金: 本研究是国家社会科学基金项目“转型期社会分层对国民健康的影响及其后果研究”(13BSH016)的阶段性成果。
