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Based on the results of two surveys conducted in 1990 and 1996 at China's four counties in different provinces, this paper is an empirical research on the changes in political participation consciousness and behavior of the Chinese peasants .In the paper , the author attempts to conduct an in-depth analysis of the follow ing major aspects of such changes:the way, purpose , and content of political participation of the peasantsin the four counties;the various factors affecting peasants' political participation , and the correlation between the peasants' political participation consciousness and their political participation behavior .The author finds that , under the current political circumstances in China' s rural areas,which are characterized by the further deepening of overall reform , the level of the Chinese peasants' participation in and discussion of government and political affairs is not very low .Most notably , the way of active political participatio n out of one' s own initiative is still accepted by relatively very few people conceptually .Even fewer people would earnestly practice it .As far as the purpose of political participation is concerned, the author finds that the peasants are still more concerned about economic issues and public affairs which have a direct bearing on their own welfare .The autho r finds that the peasants' education level and their sex differentiation play an important role in their political participation process, and that an adequate income level is a prerequisite to the peasants' participation in various political activities .



作者单位: 北京大学政治学与行政管理系 副教授;
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2000.2:67-75
关键词: 政治参与行为; 村民大会; 村委会成员; 政治参与意识; 基层政权建设; 基层选举; 经济体制改革; 政治体制改革; 基层政权组织; 经济生活水平;
