英文标题: | |
摘要: | 无 |
英文摘要: | This paper analyses the zhongyong mode of orientation in the Confucian tradition from a social scientific perspective .It consists of three parts .Part One discusses different types of rationality and then points out that the most fundamental problem inadvanced modern society is w hat may be called the “paradox of reason” , to w hich Habermas' communicative rationality is hardly a practical solution .Part Two portrays zhongyong as a rational mode of o rientation , w hich is neither instrumental-rational nor v alue-rational but a mix ture of both .It also arg ues that zhongyong rationality has g reater po tential than communicative ratio nality , as far as offering a solution to the above-mentioned problem is concerned .Part Three ex amines the traces of the zhongyong mode of o rientation among contempo rary Chinese by examining three sets of data , namely , a qualitative study of Confucian entrepreneurs in mainland China , Hong Kong , Taiw an ,M alay sia and Singapo re , a survey study of social values of the residents in five Chinese communities, and a study of conflict resolution among peasants in a village in Guangdong Province . |
作者: | 张德胜,金耀基,陈海文,陈健民,杨中芳,赵志裕,伊莎白 |
作者单位: | 香港中文大学社会学系 教授; 博士; 香港中文大学社会学系 讲座教授兼副校长; 香港中文大学社会学系 副教授; 香港大学心理学系 高级讲师; 香港大学心理学系 副教授兼系主任; 法国国家科学研究中心 研究员; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2001.2:33-48 |
中图分类号: | |
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关键词: | 工具理性; 价值理性; 价值规范; 儒家传统; 形式定义; 实质理性; 焦点转移; 儒家思想; 王民; 启蒙时代; |
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项目基金: | 香港研究资助局拔款资助!(编号:CUHK322/95H) |
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