英文标题: | |
摘要: | 为此, 本研究所关注的问题是:作为网络互动的一种类型 ,BBS互动的结构性要素有哪些 ,其互动过 8 社会学研究 2003 年第 5 期程的内在机制是什么 ,存在哪些一般性的理论问题 ? 显然, 对这些问题的研究有利于丰富社会学的互动理论 ;有利于认识目前还很神秘的网络生存方式。可以相信, 随着这一学术论域的开启和积累, 社会学终会解开网络互动的“密码” 。 |
英文摘要: | This paper studies the interactive characteristics of relationships formed in discussion on BBS with the matrix method of studying social relationships .Analysis in this paper shows that the temporal-spatial characteristics of BBS interaction mean that its constitutive elements are clearly different from interaction in real situations and that BBS interaction requires four constitutive elements, namely , electronic space , topic , roles, and postings .BBS-based interaction greatly increases autonomy and subjectivity , but at the same time it can also lead to passivity .Two basic types of BBS interaction , focused and unfocused , can be distinguished , which is roughly the same as Goffman' s classification of interaction types .Focused interaction often corresponds to some “hot topic” for a certain period of time , while unfocused interaction is a form of interaction with a specifically BBS flavor .Due to the nature of BBS postings, a participant on the BBS can enter multiple role relationships, thus having varied interactive patterns .This study finds that there are five kind of major interactive patterns on the BBS . |
作者: | 白淑英,何明升 |
作者单位: | 哈尔滨工业大学; 哈尔滨工业大学 讲师; 法学硕士; 教授; 管理学博士; 博士生导师; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2003.5:8-18 |
中图分类号: | |
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关键词: | 互动关系; 互动模式; 热门话题; 电子空间; 讨论区; BBS; 出帖; 关系矩阵; 戈夫曼; 异步性; |
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项目基金: | 美国福特基金;黑龙江省社科基金 (批准文号 :0 1B0 44 ) |
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