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2002年7 月到9月,我们课题组以“入住式社区考察”的方法在东北 A 市 、B 市和 C 市三个地方进行了为期两个月的红灯区考察。主要发现有四:其一 ,本次访谈的这三地的 103 个小姐几乎都是城市户口 ,下岗女工占半数 ;其二, 其中的本市人或者附近城市的人比较多 。这意味着这些小姐的“匿名性”的弱化 ;其三,从下岗到做小姐只是一种“职业平移”现象。由于个人经验资源的短缺与社会就业的救济性质 ,她们所获得的历次职业的社会地位一直非常接近 ,并不存在“堕落” ;其四 ,在连续的职业流动中,各种“关系”所发挥的作用呈现 为:“无关系”(自己闯)与“亲关系”(靠亲属)渐行渐弱;“友关系”最终占上风 ;而“公关系”(正规的职业中介)对于这些女性来说非常陌生。


This paper describes preliminary findings of a study on female sex-workers in the labor market field in Northeast China .The study focuses on the female sex-workers' occupational mobility , introducing their work experiences, comparing their different jobs as a sex-worker and others such as waitress, massagist girls, peddler , and exploring the reasons why they chose sex work as their job .The paper utilizes a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods including more than one-month intensive fieldwork (informal deep interview , community-based observation)during the data collection period and basic statistic analysis using SPSS10 .0 after transfering the qualitive materials into data .103 female sexworkers were involved in this study .The study finds out half the famale sex-workers we interviewed are Xiagang female workers, and almost all of them are from urban areas, which indicates the reduction of the anonymity that necessary for the profession of sex work on condition that the females encountered economy crises .Moreover, the occupational mobility from the jobs after Xiagang to being as a sex-worker is some kind of horizontal mobility instead of downwards as most of the people portrayed .The study also analyzes four kinds of “relationsohips”(Guanxi)that play different roles in their continual job-hunting process :no relationship (depend on themselves), relative-based relationship , friend-based relationshiip (formal occupation agency).The paper argues that friend-based relationship wins the bid ultimately .



作者单位: 中国人民大学社会学系; 中国人民大学社会学系 博士研究生; 教授; 博士生导师;
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2003.3:51-63
关键词: 女性性工作者; 劳动力市场; 城市户口; 匿名性; 职业流动; 小姐们; 农村户口; 心理成本; 弱女子; 少女形象;
项目基金: 香港“紫藤”社会工作组织资助“中国东北地区劳动力市场中的女性性工作者”
