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摘要: | 在中国 ,自 20 世纪 50 年代至 70 年代末的相当长的时期, 城市劳动力大都隶属于一个个具体的单位,个人的政治 、经济和文化资源的拥有量与单位息息相关, 进入不同的单位也就意味着拥有不同的生活机遇。而单位作为一个结构性地位的决定因素,也在城市居民代际地位获得过程中表 现出显著的作用。1978 年始的改革 ,特别是自 80 年代中期以来, 国家相继出台了一系列有关单位制度改革的政策 ,加紧对单位体制的职能转化 。这些转化是否导致了单位制作用的衰落? 这一问题在国内外学术界引起了激烈的争论 。本文试图通过对单位制于不同历史时期在代际地位流动中的作用的考察 ,对这一问题的讨论有所贡献 。 |
英文摘要: | This paper explores the continuality of effects of work unit in intergenerational mobility in urban China based on a 1996 survey data from Wuhan city .Statistical findings suggest that the sector , rank , and size of parents' work unit have significant effects on that of their children' s first work unit since 1978 , and this intergenerational inheritance of work unit is becoming more and more significant even after 1986 when dingti and neizhao policy was abolished .It also shows that through all history periods (1949 -1966 , 1966 -1976 , 1977 -1986 , and 1987 -1996), despite of its increasing effects on occupational status, education has only relatively limited effects on the entrance to work units compared with that of parents' work unit .The authors conclude that the effect of work unit on social mobility has not declined , on the contrary , it is, together with education , continuously playing a role in urban Chinese citizen status attainment . |
作者: | 余红,刘欣 |
作者单位: | 华中科技大学新闻与信息传播系; 华中科技大学社会学系 教师; 硕士; 副教授; 博士; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2004.6:52-63 |
中图分类号: | |
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关键词: | 政治面貌; 代际; 职业地位; 职业声望; 父亲职业; 因子得分; 行政官员; 实证资料; 劳动力市场; 中共党员; |
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