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摘要: | 从本质上讲 ,环境问题实际上是社会问题 ,是特定社会结构与社会过程的产物。本文基于实地研究 经验与相关文献材料,试图从社会学的角度探讨中国农村面源污染加剧且治理难度大的深层社会原因, 揭示面源污染对于中国社会结构的影响 ,探讨正在推进的城镇化进程对于农村面源污染控制的积极意义和局限 。 |
英文摘要: | This article discusses the dynamics and effects of non-point source pollution (NSP)in Chinese countryside .From sociological perspective , it argues that the worsening NSP situation is in large degree the inherent sequences of the long-standing dual social structure , and in turn reproduces or enforces it .Furthermore , the authors specify the positive effects and limits of urbanization , as a social process of undermining the dual social structure , to control the rural NSP , and conclude that , the rural NSP control will be under the shadow of the dual social structure in a long time , the determinants of rural NSP control is therefore very complex , and the task is extremely hard . |
作者: | 洪大用,马芳馨 |
作者单位: | 中国人民大学社会学系; 中国人民大学社会学系 社会学理论与方法研究中心教授; 社会学博士; 硕士研究生; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2004.4:1-7 |
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关键词: | 农村面源污染; 二元社会结构; 滇池流域; 生活污水; 水处理成本; 水体污染; 集约化农业; 城市环境问题; 环境恶化; 富营养化; |
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