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Social Stratification , Home Ownership , and Quality of Living :Evidence from China' s Fifth Census

摘要: 迄今对中国社会分层模式变迁的研究,几乎全部集中在收入和职业流动的分析上。本文则关心在分层体系中日益重要的另外一个方面———住房。通过对中国第五次人口普查(以下简称五普)数据中的城市住户的分析,我们得以了解不同职业阶层在住房产权、房屋面积和房屋质量等方面的情况。在2 0 0 0年,72 %的城市居民户拥有住房所有权,比1 990年的2 4%增加了48%。户主职业地位高的住户在产权拥有率、购买租赁比、购房能力(特别是购买新建商品房)上均表现出显著优势。另一方面,自2 0世纪90年代初以来,住房面积和房屋质量有非常大的提高。管理精英和专业精英的家庭所拥有的住房往往面积更大、质量更好。这些发现说明,在成功的经济改革背后,社会分层机制既体现了制度跨越又保持了制度延续

The research of China' s changing social stratification system hasfocused almost entirely on the analysis of income and occupational mobility.This paper instead draws attention to housing distribution, an aspect of social stratification that has increasing importance to life chances under a market-driven system.The urban portion of China' s 2000 Population and Housing Census is analyzed to examine variation by occupation in (1)home ownership , (2)home space , and (3)home quality.As of 2000, 72 % of the urban households are private home owners, which reveal a 48 % jump from the 24% in 1990.Households whose heads hold an elite occupation are significantly more likely to be in access to private homes than other households, and they show advantages of purchasing housing units previously rented, economically affordable homes, and, especially , newly constructed homes with a competitive market price.On the other hand, home space and quality also have improved tremendously since the early 1990s.Households headed by managerial and professional elites are in accessto large home space and better quality than are households headed by non-elites.These findings are in support of a view of power persistence, and informative about the fact that societal stability and continuity in social stratification are behind a successful economic reform program .



作者单位: 香港科技大学; 中国国家统计局;
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2005.3:82-98
关键词: 社会分层; 城市住房; 人口普查;
