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Inheriting and Reflecting:Notes on three ethnographic restudies in Yunnan

摘要: 本文属于研究报告性质 ,主要涉及“魁阁”时期的三项人类学研究及其“再研究”。作者借一项科研课题的记述 ,表明了对两个不同历史时期中国人类学探索的联系与差异的看法。费孝通的禄村研究、许光的“西镇”(喜洲 )研究、田汝康的“摆夷”(傣族 )村寨研究 ,均于上个世纪 3 0年代末、40年代初完成 ,分别从民族志的田野经验中提炼出有关土地制度、祖先祭祀及人神关系的分析框架。尽管研究方式各自不同 ,但总体而言 ,三项研究已共同关注到了乡土社会与现代性之间的文化差异。自 2 0 0 0年起 ,北京大学与云南民族大学进行“省校合作”。在这期间 ,几位青年学人组成研究小组 ,对禄村、“西镇”(喜洲 )和那目寨进行了重访。他们参考了近 3 0年来国际人类学界对“再研究”提出的看法 ,依据各自在田野工作中获得的素材 ,思考了社会变迁和学术观念的转变对于“接续性研究”的双重影响 ,通过民族志的书写 ,提出了若干具有继承和反思双重性格的观点。本文依据三项“再研究”的学术所得 ,强调指出公共仪式研究对于乡土社会研究的重要性。文章还试图重新思考曾经对中国人类学和社会学有过深刻影响的“人文区位学”方法。

Between the late 1930s and the early 1940s, a small group of Chinese anthropologists and sociologists carried out a series of field studies in the countryside of Yunnan .Among them, Fei Xiaotong , Francis L.K.Hsu, and Tian Rukang wrote three famous ethnographies.Each dealt with a different theme.But all of the three were deeply concerned with the cultural difference between rural China (as a whole)and modernity . After 60 years, a group of young anthropologists were sent to the three places where Fei , Hsu, and Tian conducted their research.There , they collected data and sought to restudy the villages.They were inspired both by the earlier studies and the new ideas of ethnographic restudy.Reflecting on Fei' s economics, Hsu' s confinement to inner-village life and negligence of the outer world of Dali , and Tian' s Durkheimian sociology , all three young scholars have drawn their own conclusions on the issues of political power, hierarchical order, and ideology.Written by the organizer of the restudy project , this article provides an overview of the research and suggests an interpretive line.By bringing the three studies together, it also seeks to suggest something more general concerning the legacy of “human ecology”in Chinese social sciences.

作者: 北京大学社会学人类学研究所;
作者单位: 王铭铭;
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2005.2:132-154
关键词: “魁阁”; 再研究; 交换; 公共仪式; 人文区位学; 人类学;
