英文标题: | “Chaxu geju” and the Notion of Hierarchy in Chinese Culture |
摘要: | 重新审视费孝通的“差序格局”概念,特别是其关于纵向的等级制度的探讨,有助于我们更加全面地认识中国社会和文化的特性以及本土社会理论的普世性意义。费孝通所讲的差序格局是个立体的结构,包含有纵向的刚性的等级化的“序”,也包含有横向的弹性的以自我为中心的“差”。多数学者都只看到“差”而忽略了“序”;这是有关差序格局的学术话语中的一个误区。差序格局的维系有赖于尊卑上下的等级差异的不断再生产,而这种再生产是通过伦理规范、资源配置、奖惩机制以及社会流动等社会文化制度实现的。差序格局否定人格平等的可能性,不承认权利义务之间的平衡,最终导致差序人格的产生并对中国文化有着决定性的影响。 |
英文摘要: | A re-reading of Fei Xiaotong' s notion of “ chaxu geju” , especially its exploration on the vertical and hierarchical aspect of social structure , may help us better understand the characteristics of Chinese society and culture as well as the universal implications of indigenous social theories.In Fei' s theory , chaxu guju is a multidimensional structure , containing both the vertical and firm order of social hierarchy and the horizontal, elastic, ego-centered relational distances .Most of the existing scholarly accounts only consider the latter while overlooking the former, which leads to a serious misunderstanding of Fei' s original thought.The maintenance of chaxu geju relies on the reproduction of the social hierarchy , which has to be realized through the mechanisms of moral norms, resource allocation , punishment and rewards, and social mobility.Chaxu geju negates the universal equality of the individuals in the sense of personhood, denies the necessity of balancing rights and duties, and eventually results to the construction of a special kind of personhood in Chinese culture , coined by the author as “ chaxu renge”. |
作者: | ?阎云翔; |
作者单位: | 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校人类学系; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2006.4:186-200 |
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关键词: | 差序格局; 等级观念; 中国文化; |
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