英文标题: | Labor Incentive and Inefficiency of Collective Labor under the Work Points System |
摘要: | 本文通过一个个案,对经济学家有关集体时代集体经济效率低下所给予的解释提出了反证。作者通过一个众所周知的数学模型讨论了工分制下农民的劳动激励问题,所构造的几个博弈论模型也深刻提示了工分制下,这一时期农民之间的相互博弈行为。在此基础上,本文所得到的结论是:集体时期的工分制是一种相当有效的劳动激励制度,它所形成的激励与相互竞争使得农民通过不断追加劳动以获取更多工分的行为成为一种理性选择行为;而集体经济的失效也正来自于在该制度框架下,个体对效用最大化的追求将导致对集体公共利益的漠视。在结语部分,作者也在更大范围内对这些结论所蕴藏的重要意义作了引伸和推广。 |
英文摘要: | By a case study , this paper gives a disproof to the explanation of inefficiencies in collective economy proposed by economists.This author discusses the labor incentive issue by a well-known mathematical model , and proposed several game models which suggest that those peasants deliberately chose game action under the system.The article concludes that Work Points System is an effective labor incentive system during collective economy period.Under this incentive system , the peasants kept on adding the quantity of work to get more work points .At the same time , since the system maximized the effectiveness of individual pursuit, it also incurred the peasants' indifference of public interest, which led to the failure of collective economy . |
作者: | 张江华; |
作者单位: | 上海市高校社会学E-研究院、上海大学社会学系; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2007.5:1-20 |
中图分类号: | |
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关键词: | 工分制; 激励; 集体行动的效率; 博弈; |
英文关键词: | |
项目基金: | 上海市重点学科建设项目(项目编号:Y0104)资助 |
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