英文标题: | The Urban New Immigrants' Social Inclusion: Internal structure , present situation and influential factors |
摘要: | 本文运用2007年上海城市新移民调查数据,采用探索性因子分析方法,对城市新移民社会融合的结构及其现状进行了探讨。分析结果发现,城市新移民的社会融合包含着文化融合、心理融合、身份融合和经济融合四个因子;从社会融合程度来考察,城市新移民的总体水平偏低;从具体影响因子来看,体现出心理融合、身份融合、文化融合和经济融合依次降低的趋势。相对较高的心理融合和身份融合程度,反映了作为新移民聚居地的上海为新移民的社会经济地位提升创造了更大的发展空间;而相对较低的文化融合和经济融合状况,则反映出"城市文化"的多元化和宽容性以及城市生活成本迅速增长带来的社会融合障碍。因此,要实现新移民与本地居民的高度融合,需要新移民、本地居民和政府等多方行动者的共同努力。 |
英文摘要: | Based on data from a survey of urban new immigrants in Shanghai in 2007, this paper utilizes exploratory factor analysis to explore the internal structure and influential factors of their social inclusion .The results show that:(1)the so urban new immigrants' include 4 factors, namely , cultural inclusion, psychological inclusion , identity inclusion and economic inclusion;(2)the overall level of their social inclusion is still low ;(3) the degree of these factors present decreasing trend from psychological inclusion to identity inclusion, cultural inclusion and economic inclusion . These results reflect that :(1) the domestic immigrants as well as the international immigrants call for some limited leap to achieve integrating into the new land in deed;(2) as an immigrant area , Shanghai provides larger development space for the new comers to advance their socioeconomic status , which explains the status of the psychological inclusion and identity inclusion;(3) the pluralism of urban culture may promote the cultural inclusion and economic inclusion of the newer , while the increasing cost of city life may have an opposite effect.Therefore, the high_level integration of the newer and the native depends on the joint efforts of the newer , the native residents and the local government . |
作者: | 张文宏;雷开春; |
作者单位: | 上海大学中国社会转型与社会组织研究中心、上海高校社会学E-研究院; 上海大学社会学系; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2008.5:117-141 |
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关键词: | 社会融合; 城市新移民; 社会结构; |
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项目基金: | 国家社科基金项目《城市新移民问题研究》(05BSH054)的阶段性成果;国家重点学科(社会学)和上海市重点学科(都市社会研究Y0104)的资助 |
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