英文标题: | Diversity of Social Network and Labor Market Outcome :A study on how social contacts affect the wage of migrant workers |
摘要: | 社会关系在劳动力市场中的"嵌入性",是社会学尤其是网络学派的一个重要议题。本文针对特德.莫尔提出的一个新的网络差异性命题:针对要在某组织中实现的特定目标,一个人所使用的网络是否有用,取决于他的网络与该组织的内网络有多大关系。在该命题基础上,本文对农民工使用网络的求职效果提出了四个假设并进行检验后发现:使用内网络对农民工工资的影响显著,而使用外网络和一般性使用网络的效果不显著;在内网络型求职的个案中,获得企业负责人帮助的农民工更可能比获得工友或主管帮助的农民工拿到更高的工资,接触的联系人种类越多的农民工能够拿到越高的工资。进而,本文得出结论:探讨"嵌入性"在劳动力市场的作用时有必要分清行动者嵌入在具体网络中的层次性,嵌入性对劳动力市场的影响会因网络的差异性而不同。 |
英文摘要: | Ted Mouw' s article on ASR had challenged the effect of “ embeddedness” in labor market, but it ignored the diversity of social network .Responding to Mouw' s mistake , this paper suggests a proposition that the effect of using social contacts on job finding depends on how the network relates to the “ inner network” of a corporation .If one' s network highly relates to the inner network of a corporation , using contacts will bring more benefits to his labor market outcome .Based on the data collected from migrant workers on Pearl River Delta , we find that using “ inner contacts” gives an advantage to migrant workers' wages.There is no effect of their using other contacts outside the corporation or generally using contacts .Among the cases of using inner contacts , those migrant workers who are well connected to their contacts on very high positions or connected to more types of inner contacts will get higher wages.The paper ends with a conclusion that how “ embeddedness” acts on labor market depends on the diversity of social network , and we should pay attention to the level of “embeddedness” when we talk about its effect . |
作者: | 张春泥; 刘林平; |
作者单位: | 中山大学社会学系; 中山大学社会学系; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2008.4:138-162 |
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关键词: | 农民工; 嵌入性; 网络的差异性; |
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