英文标题: | The Southeast and the Southwest :Searching for the connections between “academic regions” |
摘要: | "学术区"系指"被本地、外地、外国学者研究过,而形成某种学术遗产和学术风格的区域"。本文具体比较了中国人类学研究中的"东南区"与"西南区"。20世纪下半叶特定的历史背景下,海内外人类学、民族学研究者对两个"学术区"加以研究内容与使命的区分造成了"东南区"与"西南区"出现了学术研究服务于两地"形象塑造"的倾向,致使研究者忽视了两地内部与相互之间关系的研究。借助对《史记》的一项解读,作者指出,为了深化两个"学术区"的研究,有必要重建二者之间的历史纽带,在一个更广阔的视野下,"反思地继承"东西两大"学术区"的遗产,促成一个"东西结合"的学术范式,通过历史文明、政治文化、帝国宇宙观诸方面的研究,展开"关系结构"的社会科学思考。 |
英文摘要: | This article examines two existing “academic regions” in Chinese anthropology : the Southeastern and Southwestern models of anthropology .The author points out that the “bifurcation” of Southeastern “ complex” of communities, lineages, markets , and folk religions and Southwestern “way s of being ethnic” has created a serious problem for the anthropology of Chinese civilization. He also argues that to further “ internal understandings” of either region , it is necessary to think “ externally” — to bring “external relationships” into “internal structures” .The author has written extensively on sinological anthropology and ethnology as well as Chinese social science in general .In this context , he criticizes anthropologies in China and abroad of their common negligence of the relationships which have played important roles in the configuration of the regions under the empire-turned nation. |
作者: | 王铭铭 |
作者单位: | 北京大学社会学人类学研究所 中央民族大学民族学人类学理论与方法研究中心; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2008.4:32-54 |
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关键词: | 学术区; 人类学; 文化; 民族; 关系结构; |
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