英文标题: | Seizing the Initiative in Economic Growth :A theoretical hypothesis and case study of the Chinese local governments' strategies responding to the reformation of market economy |
摘要: | 本文通过案例研究和逻辑分析,论证了1980年以后,中国地方政府在决定其工作重心(即发展战略)的行为上,具有"抓住经济发展的主动权"之特征。这种行为特征的表现之一,是1992年至2000年间,地方政府为应对中央政府的市场化改革所采取的战略转型之举措:即地方政府由原来经营一家一户企业,转向把所辖区域当作一家企业来经营;相应地,其控制地区经济的方式也由"抓住办企业的权利"转向"抓住土地开发权"。上述结论的意义是,揭示了在中国转向市场经济的过程中,地方政府的演变方向不是单纯的公共服务政府,而是凭借其对地区性生产要素的控制权,转向从整体上控制和经营地区经济。 |
英文摘要: | Based on case studies and logical analysis, this article provides observations on a feature in the strategic behaviors of the Chinese local governments since the 1980 .It argues that when the local governments make decisions on the development strategy , they strive to seize the initiative to develop the local economy.A representation of this feature is the strategic conversion in the development pattern taken by the local governments during the year 1992 and 2000, which were their responses to the market reformation policy of the central government .Instead of running enterprises, the local governments turned their attention to the overall administrative areas which they started to operate as an enterprise.Correspondingly , their means of controlling the local economy turned from “ seizing the property rights of companies” to “ seizing the rights of exploitable land” . |
作者: | 曹正汉; 史晋川; |
作者单位: | 浙江大学民营经济研究中心; 浙江大学经济学院; |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2009.4:1-27 |
中图分类号: | D625;F124 |
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关键词: | 地方政府; 战略行为; 转型; 经营所辖区域; |
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项目基金: | 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地2005年度重大项目(项目批准号:05JJD790096);浙江大学恒逸民营经济研究基金项目资助 |
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