英文标题: | The Origin and Transformation of Morality: On Durkheims intention of his study of religion |
摘要: | 涂尔干始终致力于借助实证科学的方法来研究道德事实,创建一门道德科学。在他那里,道德科学就是社会学的别名。早期社会形态学研究仅仅根据社会环境的变迁无法充分解释道德的起源和变迁;后期集体表象理论指导下的宗教研究旨在回应这一困境。宗教生活中的神圣性就相当于社会生活中道德理想的位置,后者表达的是特定群体对其自身的自我意识。在集体欢腾之际,道德理想具体化为物质化的制度,构成了道德变迁和社会重组的源头。社会学的任务在于如何透过这些制度框架抓住它们所体现的道德理想或社会意识。 |
英文摘要: | Durkheim had been trying to establish a science of morality, which is another name of his sociology. This paper analyzes the dilemma of his social morphology, that is, how the morality changes can not be interpreted only by the social milieus. It was only in his study of primitive religion, which was guided by his theory of collective representations, had he finally found the way to interpret the place of the moral ideal in the transformation of the morality. The place of the sacred in the religious life is amount to the moral ideals in the social life. Moral ideals expresses the selfconscious of the society. They are externalized into the material institutions, which constitutes the primary cause of the reconstruction of the morality and society. The social fact, which Durkheims sociology tries to grasp, is the social conscious or the moral ideals inherent in the society. |
作者: | 陈涛 |
作者单位: | 中国社会科学院社会学研究所 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2015.3:69-95 |
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关键词: | 道德科学 社会形态学 集体表象 道德理想 社会存在论 |
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