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Social Class and Local Congressional Election in Urban China




Departing from literature emphasizing democratic values and political efficacy in understanding voting behavior in Chinas local congressional electionthe authors propose to explain voting behavior from the logic of class politics The rational choice theory of class politics argues that class position influences voting through class interestwhile social psychological theory of class politics emphasizes the importance of class identification as a mediator between class position and voting Hypotheses derived from both explanations are well supported by statistical findings from Chinese General Social Survey ( CGSS ) 2006calculated using logistic regression and Bootstrap test of coefficient difference across regression models Compared to working classthe middle classesold or neware more likely to vote This is further explicated by the fact that they enjoy higher income and stronger subjective identification as middle class The higher income also leads to stronger middle class identificationthus stronger inclination to vote Integrating the rational choice and social psychological theoriesthe authors extend the explanation of class politics and conclude that class interest not only functions as the mediation linking 242 class position and voting behaviorbut also explicates the causal mechanisms between class position and voting behavior through class identification This study demonstrates that class politics offers an appropriate logic to understand political participation in contemporary China

作者: 刘欣; 朱妍
作者单位: 复旦大学社会学系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2011.6:34-58
中图分类号: D663
关键词: 社会阶层; 收入; 阶层认同; 基层人大选举; 投票行为
项目基金: 教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目“我国目前社会阶层状况研究”(08JZD0024);复旦大学“985工程”三期整体推进社会科学研究项目(2011SHKXZD008)的资助
