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Local Elites and Rural Social Reconstruction: Conflict between gentry and The National Association of Mass Education Movements in Dingxian Experiment




In the Republic of Chinalocal elites included gentry and professional intellectuals When Dingxian in Hebei province was established as the experimental bases of the county administration construction in 1923fierce conflict broke out between the local gentry and The National Association of Mass Education Movements ( MEM) presided the Dingxian Experiment The social conflictcharacterized by gentry's complainingslandering and moulding negative public opinionreflected the marginalization of gentry in rural community and the weakening power and status of rural construction MEM fostered rural youth to attend the rural construction by organization innovationswhich led to the gentry's lost of power There were two significant structural causes: Firstlyunder the circumstances of economic bankruptcythe gentry practiced usury and occupied a large amount of land The economic confliction of the gentry and peasant strengthened the negative evaluations to the gentry Secondly, gentry class was an obstacle for the country to push forward modernization in the county ActuallyMEM's ignoring gentry shows the contest between the state and the local society in the modernization issue

作者: 宣朝庆
作者单位: 南开大学社会学系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2011.4:90-104
中图分类号: C912.82
关键词: 定县实验; 乡村建设; 现代化; 平教会; 士绅
项目基金: 国家社会科学基金项目“中国特色的社会建设思想研究”(批准号08BSH004);国家社会科学重大项目“中国乡村建设思想(百年)史”(批准号10&zd076)的阶段性成果
