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英文标题: | The Sociological Significance of Lefebvre’s Critique of Everyday Life: Toward a sociology of everyday life |
摘要: | 列斐伏尔认为,现代社会的日常生活是一个具有无意识特征的基础性的层次,它饱受由工具理性和现代技术所主导的工业文明和官僚统治制度所带来的异化之苦,自20世纪50、60年代以来,它日益经受着语言和符号的霸权,而它所包含的空间生产则使资本主义得以存续,但解放的可能性也存在于日常生活之中。列斐伏尔的日常生活批判理论推动了社会学的日常生活转向,但其异化和总体人的思想依然没有摆脱人道主义乌托邦理念的困扰,因此,一门为社会学奠定基础的日常生活的社会学必须在经验研究的基础上从日常生活的自相矛盾中寻找批判的切入点。 |
英文摘要: | According to Lefebvre,the modern everyday life is an unconscious basic level and is alienated by the industrial civilization and the bureaucracy that are dominated by instrumental rationality and modern technology. Since the 1950s,the everyday life has been increasingly ruled by the hegemony of language and sign,and the survival of capitalism is primarily based on the production of space in everyday life, but the possibilities of reversion is also in the everyday life. Lefebvre’s critique of everyday life deeply affected the turn of everyday life in contemporary sociology. But his theory of alienation and the idea of total man still tangled with the humanist Utopian idea,therefore the sociology of everyday life,which is the inner basis of sociology, must find its reason of critique in the self-contradiction of everyday life on the basis of empirical research. |
作者: | 郑震 |
作者单位: | 南京大学社会学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2011.3:191-217 |
中图分类号: | C91-06 |
文章编号: | |
关键词: | 日常生活; 日常生活批判; 列斐伏尔; 日常生活的社会学 |
英文关键词: | |
项目基金: | 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“当代西方社会学中的建构主义思潮研究”(10YJC840098)的阶段性成果 |
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