英文标题: | The Factors Shaping the Outcomes of Collective Actions: A comparative study on three collective action cases |
摘要: | 本文比较了三个健康政策领域的集体性抗争行动的过程和结果,即乙肝携带者的反歧视行动,血友病感染艾滋病患者的维权行动和输血感染艾滋病患者的维权抗争行动,并分别从组织能力、策略应用和政治机会结构等角度来分析影响集体性抗争行动结果的因素。乙肝携带者的反歧视运动通过法律动员策略获得了成功,并走向了制度化的发展方向;血友病感染艾滋病患者群体通过组织策划的抗争行动进入了体制内的讨价还价过程,并成功获得了经济赔偿;输血感染艾滋病患者在政策倡导行动受阻之后走上了上访式的个人行动道路,目前仍未取得成果。本文认为这三个集体行动结果的差别可以从集体行动组织对资源动员和行动话语塑造的能力、使用策略的技巧性、以及不同类型和诉求的集体行动及其所处的政策领域所产生的不同政治机会结构等因素来解释。 |
英文摘要: | This article compares three policy advocacy campaigns in China’s healthcare policy domain and examines factors leading to different outcomes of those collective actions. The three cases include Hepatitis B carriers’ anti-discrimination campaign, hemophilia’s patients’ collective action seeking compensation for being affected by HIV/AIDS through contaminated blood products,and the policy campaign seeking compensation and justice initiated by the patients who got infected with HIV/ AIDS through hospital transfusion. The former two campaigns were successful but the last one failed. The author argues that the different outcomes could be explained by the different organizational capabilities of the three collective action organizations,the use of various tactics,and the political opportunity structures shaped by problem framing schemes and the interactions with various political actors within the policy domains. |
作者: | 俞志元 |
作者单位: | 复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院社会学系 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2012.3:90-112 |
中图分类号: | C913 |
文章编号: | |
关键词: | 集体性抗争行动 政治机会结构 策略应用 媒体和社会运动 |
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项目基金: | 复旦大学“985工程”三期整体推进社会科学研究项目(2011SHKXZD008)的资助 |
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