英文标题: | The Expropriation of Body: A research on physical training and modernity |
摘要: | 对现代性的反思是社会科学领域内常谈常新的话题。近些年来日益受到关注的身体社会学和身体人类学为诠释这一话题提供了一种崭新的视角。体育作为一个集中展示身体的领域,举国体制下的民族国家体育制度为透过身体诠释现代性提供了一种可能。本研究选取女子举重这一具有鲜明男性气质特征的女性运动项目,透过身体这一解释路径来阐述民族国家是如何通过与家庭权威力量的合谋将对个体身体、特别是处于边缘化状态的女性身体的利用,与其自身对现代化的渴望相融合。在此过程中,国家通过家庭实现具体的权力实践,迫使个体本身也参与到这场权力的构建中。参与其中的个体既是这个权力体系的受害者同时也成为建构者本身。 |
英文摘要: | The reflection on modernity is a topic which is prevalent in the social sciences,while the increasingly attractive sociology and anthropology of human body provide a new perspective to study this subject further. Particularly,given that physical training is a domain where the body is intensively presented,the physical training institution of nation-states under the whole-nation system makes it possible to interpret modernity through the sociology of body. By choosing women’s weightlifting,a sports item with evident masculinity,this paper illustrates how the power of the state combined with the authority of families makes use of the individual body,especially the bodies of women who are in marginal situation. The authors argue that the state’s expropriation of individual body is largely driven by its desire for modernity. During the process,the state realizes its power practice through families,and the individual athletes themselves also participate in the construction of the power system.The individual athletes involved are not only victims but also the builders of the power system. |
作者: | 孙睿诒 陶双宾 |
作者单位: | 伦敦大学亚非学院; 沈阳师范大学社会学学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2012.6:124-145 |
中图分类号: | G80-05 |
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关键词: | 现代性 民族国家 体育社会学 身体社会学 |
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项目基金: | 国家社科基金青年项目“转型期优秀运动员合理流动的福利引导机制研究”(项目批号:06CTY003)阶段性成果之一 |
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