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On Illegal Spaces




Based on a case study and the author's surveys over the years, this paper examines the mechanisms and the complexity of illegal spaces (spaces of breaching regulation) in transitional society of contemporary urban China. The author adopts the relevant theories of sociology of law as exploration approach and uses the space theory from new urban sociology as the fundamental analysis tools. Through the interpretation of complex narrative texts constructed by various subjects including different levels of city government, developers, relocation households, local residents, migrant workers and public media, the author analyzes how diverse legal resources are applied and how "breaching regulation" is formed as the shared social spaces in people's legal action.   Finally, the paper discusses the role of "gray area"-its core element is  informality-in the change  of state-society relationship during China's current process of social transformation, and reveals the fact that shared political culture is digesting legalism with the help of moralism.

作者: 陈映芳
作者单位: 上海交通大学国际与公共事务学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2013.3:162-182
中图分类号: C912.81
关键词: 违规 空间 法资源 道德主义 法律主义
项目基金: 上海市高校都市文化E-研究院和教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地2009年度重大研究项目(项目号2009JJD840003)的支持
