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Sibling Sex Composition, Intrafamily Resource Allocation, and Educational Attainment: An explanation of educational gender inequality in China




Recent studies show that the decreased sibsize within family due to the decline of fertility is the drive of narrowed educational gender gap. Given the same numbers of siblings, the sibling sex composition still affects the educational attainment. However, empirical study from China is limited. This paper explores the effect of sibling sex composition on intrafamily resource allocation and educational attainment in the context of patrilineal family structure in China. The author argues that, due to the son preference rooted from the traditional Chinese culture and economic motivation, parents favor boys over girls when making intrahousehold transfers. The gender difference in the costs of raising child would intensify such within-family gender inequality. Empirical evidences from CGSS2008 support such hypotheses. The author finds that having brother(s) in the sibship negatively affects one's educational attainment and the higher level of an individual's educational attainment concurs with the higher ratio of girls in a sibship. The effect of sibling sex composition is asymmetric between genders in a complex way and also varies by the Social-economic and household registration statuses of household, though not consistent. Finally, the sibling sex composition affects the educational attainments of different cohorts differently.

作者: 郑磊
作者单位: 北京师范大学教育学部暨首都教育经济研究院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2013.5:76-103
中图分类号: C91-0
关键词: 同胞性别结构 教育获得 家庭内部资源分配 男孩偏好 性别不平等
项目基金: 2011年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(11YJC880168);2010年度中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“教育获得与教育成就的性别差异:经济学的分析视角”的资助;北京师范大学985工程“世界一流教育学科与中国教育创新”基地项目的部分成果
