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Mediating to Harmony: A panel data analysis on arbitral mediation and collective labor disputes, 1999--2011




The economic transformation and labor institutional reform since the 1980s have brought about a huge mass of labor protests. However, the scale and intensity of the protests have been effectively managed by the Chinese state. Particularly since 2000, the tendency of individualization in labor dispute arbitration channel has been increasingly clear, with both the average number of labors involved in collective disputes and the percentage of collective cases substantially decreased. What are the factors contributing to the decrease of collective labor disputes in the arbitration channel? Employing a panel data analysis, the author finds that the Chinese state has been sparing no effort to strengthen its institutional role and substantial power as mediator in labor conflicts, and has been mobilizing all kinds of agencies to split up the collective labor disputes in the name of mediation. The strong mediative capacity of labor arbitration agencies significantly reduced the scale of collective labor disputes, but failed to alleviate the intensity. This is because that the arbitral mediation is highly selective, with large-scale collective disputes preferentially targeted and small-scale and individual ones relatively ignored.

作者: 庄文嘉
作者单位: 中山大学中国公共管理研究中心、中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2013.5:145-171
中图分类号: D922.5
关键词: 调解劳动争议 工人抗争 劳动仲裁 集体争

