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Pragmatic Solidarity: An analysis on the case of new workers' collective action in Pearl River Delta




This research reexamines two kinds of views on the new worker's solidarity culture, namely, legalism protest and class solidarity. Based on field work in Pearl River Delta, the author finds that there is a kind of pragmatic solidarity culture in various types of collective protests. Workers are able to protest by flexibly using the state's ideologies, especially in the legal space given and endowed by the law of the state, and at the same time they are not fettered by legal discourses and the judicial system. The resources from daily life provide more possibilities for the workers' solidarity. Both "strike legalism" and "cellular protest" seem overcautious, however, the escalated politics of new workers' protest does not necessarily mean workers' "class solidarity". Workers choose the proper protest strategies very carefully according to their interests, relationship, bargaining capacity, protest risk and life pressure. Workers protest, which reflects the market logic and confirms its legacy, is a kind of means in the market game. The workers' demands are not only based on various economic considerations, but also based on the vision for a more normalized and institutionalized bargaining system. In conclusion, the culture of pragmatic solidarity has its own life foundation and institutional roots.

作者: 汪建华
作者单位: 清华大学社会学系
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2013.1:206-227
中图分类号: C912
关键词: 实用主义团结 守法抗争 阶级团结 新工人 集体行动
项目基金: 中国青少年发展基金会“新生代农民工研究”项目资助
