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Social Mentality and Chinese Feeling in the Era of Transformation: A dialogue with the paper "Social Mentality: Social Psychological Research on Transitional Society"




Social mentality refers to the changeable and emergent macroscopic socio- psychological state diffused in the whole society or in certain social groups, which is most distinct in the era of social transformation or social reform. It is one of the most intensively studied issues among sociology-oriented social psychologists. This paper discusses the concept and disciplinary genealogy of social mentality, followed by the historical background of the emergence, decline and revival of this subject of study. Integrating psychology and sociology into a dual perspective, the paper uncovers the formation mechanism of social mentality through psychological processes such as group representations and individual identity in the special era of social transformation. The author advocates a paradigm of social psychology with Chinese characteristics based on the analysis of social mentality. Hopefully, through the research on the particular social mentality of the Chinese during the era of change, termed as "Chinese feeling", the transformation of Chinese society will be studied on the spiritual level as well, thus endowing the transformation process with all-around significance and value.

作者: 周晓虹
作者单位: 南京大学社会学院
期刊: 社会学研究
年.期:页码 2014.4:1-23
中图分类号: C912.6
关键词: 转型时代 社会心态 形成机制 中国体验 研究范式
项目基金: 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大攻关项目(10JZDMG047);南京大学“985工程”三期改革型项目“社会转型与中国体验”(NJU985JD07)
