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英文标题: | The Development of Flexible Employment and Labor-Dealing Function of Capital: An Analysis Based on Flexible Accumulation |
摘要: | 灵活用工相关议题的研究缺乏系统性的理论分析视野。本文在马克思主义政治经济学视野的指引下,通过对资本循环过程分析的继承性发展,梳理弹性积累体制下灵活用工与资本劳动力经营职能发展的机制。在弹性生产网络和平台经济下,基于市场需求信息的收集、分析、传递,居于流通阶段(W′—G′)的商品经营资本不断重组生产,从而衍生出对灵活用工的深度需求。企业对灵活用工需求的快速增长进一步导致流通阶段(G—W)资本劳动力经营职能的深化。相关资本主体主要通过规避标准劳动关系约束、按时按质按量供给劳动力来确保生产以灵活、低成本的方式进行。 |
英文摘要: | The research on flexible employment-related issues lacks a systematic theoretical analysis perspective. Guided by the perspective of Marxist political economy, this paper develops the analysis of circular movement of capital and analyzes the mechanisms of the development of flexible employment and labor-dealing function of capital under flexible accumulation. In the context of flexible production networks and the platform economy, commercial capital in the stage of circulation (W'-G') generates a deep demand for flexible employment by collecting, analyzing, and transmitting market demand information and continuously reorganizing production. The enterprises' rapidly increasing demand for flexible employment further leads to the deepening of labor-dealing functions of capital in the stage of circulation (G—W). The relevant capital entities primarily ensure the production in a flexible, low-cost manner by avoiding the constraints of standard labor relation and supplying labor in accordance with quantity, quality, and timing requirements. |
作者: | 汪建华 |
作者单位: | 中国人民大学劳动人事学院 |
期刊: | 社会学研究 |
年.期:页码 | 2025.1: |
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关键词: | 弹性积累体制;灵活用工;劳动力经营职能;资本循环过程 |
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项目基金: | 本文系国家社会科学基金一般项目“灵活用工背景下的新型劳动秩序研究”(22BSH153)的阶段性成果。 |
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